Thursday, April 2, 2009


Cows. I think I first noticed cows watching us when I was hiking in Ireland. We were walking along farm fields and the cows would stop and watch us pass. We began to feel like the daily entertainment. Now as we drive along, I stop when there are cows near the road to try to get their pictures. This little calf was very new - Momma is a huge Longhorn - but also very interested in us. Her name is Star. Her mother didn't want to get too close, but Star was curious and ventured a ways from her mother to check us out.
Some mothers are very protective and get upset when their calves are too interested, but Star's mom was cool with it - maybe because she was huge with very long horns?
Later in the day I came across a beautiful blond cow standing in the sunlight and when I got out of the car to take her picture, she ran up a hill, then stopped and watched. Some of the other cows ventured closer. Perhaps we are meant to stop, admire them, and give them something to think about for a while.

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