Tuesday, July 21, 2009

fun with photoshop

I went exploring the far northwest corner of South Carolina last week and discovered a nice park in Oconee County: Chau Ram outside of Westminister. I got a few nice shots of my grandsons kicking the water and played with this one in particular. No real trick to it and I really like the results.
I merely isolate the legs and feet then accented the edges of the water and saturated it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Around every corner

While taking a hike across the campus of UGA on Sunday morning - and it is an uphill hike - we wandered into a little courtyard and discovered a coi pond full of turtles and a few beautiful koi. It's a cute little spot and both the turtles and the fish hurried to gather in front of us. Clearly someone has been feeding them though we eventually came across a sign hidden from view that says "Don't feed the fish!"

Reflections create very interesting photographs. Here is one of my early favorites - "Koi in the sky"